Brooklyn College

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Subscribe to Receive SMS Alerts

If you would like to be notified of status changes via text message, please fill out the form below:
Cell Number:
phone number should be in (xxx-xxx-xxxx) format
Email Address:

Please select which alerts you want to recieve
CUNY Blackboard
BC Faculty/Staff email
BC Student Email
BC Public Website
BC WebCentral Portal
BC Navigator
BC Internet Access
BC Network and Server Access
BC External Phone Service
BC Internal Phone Service
BC Voice Mail
BC Automatic Call Queuing System
General Notifications

PLEASE NOTE: after your click "Subscribe" a six digit verification code will be send via text message (SMS) to the phone number listed above. Your account WILL NOT be activated until your subscription is confirmed by entering that verification code on the next page.


* Message and Data Rates May Apply

Frequently Asked Questions

I already subscribed to text alerts on the BC Portal-do I have to enroll again?
Yes-BC-STATUS is designed to keep you in the loop even when campus systems are unavailable, so it must be self-contained. Note that subscribing to BC-STATUS alerts does not automatically enroll you in any other text alert subscriptions.

How can I unsubscribe from BC-STATUS alerts?
Simply click HERE and use the same credentials you used when you initially subscribed. You will receive a text message confirming the change.

How can I change the email address or phone number for my subscription?
Simply unsubscribe and then re-subscribe with the new information

Why is there a test text message verification step when I subscribe?
This step ensures that you did not make a typo when entering your telephone number, tests that our service can reach your device, and alerts you to anyone subscribing you without your permission.

Where do I enter the text verification code?
Enter the verification code at:  You must enter the verification code to start receiving BC-STATUS text messages.
